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Support Our Foster Youth (SOFY) empowered foster youth and alumni to utilize their support network, achieve their goals, and “Be the Change”!

The Fostering Change Network Foundation offered a five-week program focused on the Five Pillars of Success with emphasizes coaching, life-skills, experiential learning, and mentoring circles.

The SOFY - Be The Change Program was centered on supporting and guiding foster youth and alumni of foster care towards the completion of educational goals and launching a career.



Click each of our Pillars below for more details.


The Program

The FCN Foundaton offers an intensive five-week Virtual Program for 2021-2022 enrolled students, ages 18-30 (including College or Other Post-Secondary Education).

Each participant must complete a SOFY application by February 19, 2021.

SOFY provides coaches for mentees throughout the program. This program also purposefully includes many components designed to help support your success to attain your post-secondary education goals. We are an intentional learning community focused on transitions, refection, transformation, education and education. Are you ready to BE THE CHANGE?

Upon completion of the program, participants will be eligible for a SOFY Stipend of up to $500, paid towards an education expense or expense that would prevent them from enrolling in or completing their educational program (College, G.E.D., Vocational Training Program, etc.).